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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I have to eat a strict diet forever to stay healthy?
    Restrictive diets aren’t sustainable, and one of the main goals of the Anti-Arthritis Method is to develop the most comprehensive diet you can eat while maintaining your health and keeping your arthritis symptoms away.
  • What do I eat if I go out for supper or to a social event?
    You don’t have to stop having fun while on the program even though you will likely have to adjust what you are eating. There is plenty of support and strategies inside of the program to keep you on track when you go out to eat or participate in other social events.
  • What supplements should I take?
    Check out my Fullscript link to access the top supplements I use with my clients inside of the Anti-Arthritis Method program. More specific recommendations can be given inside of the program, if necessary.
  • How long is the program?
    The Anti-Arthritis Method program is 12 weeks long.
  • What if I'm a picky eater?
    You can keep meals very simple within the program, but I do encourage you to try some new foods as well. Having a variety of nutrient dense foods in our diet gives our body what it needs to get better.
  • Do I have to stop taking my medications?
    No. I will never recommend you stop taking your medications or reduce your dosage without first consulting your medical doctor. Once you start to feel significantly better, you may want to discuss reducing or eliminating some of your medication.
  • What if I don't like to cook?
    All of the recipes in the Anti-Arthritis Method program are very simple and don’t require a great deal of skill to make.
  • What will I be eating?
    You will be eating a variety of nutrient-dense foods that will calm your immune system, allow your gut lining to repair itself, and get rid of your inflammation!
  • When will I start feeling better?
    Everyone’s health journey is different, but if you are following the program, you will likely start to feel better within the first 3 weeks.
  • How does the program work? Is it an online course? Is it a group format? Will I get 1:1 support?
    The Anti-Arthritis Method program includes a variety of online mediums. You will be provided with all the program lessons, worksheets, handouts, and recipes (ie the course material). We also have regular 1:1 Coaching Calls over Zoom for guidance and support.
  • Where can I find special grocery items that are new to me?
    You will find everything you need at your local health food stores and various online stores such as Thrive Market, Natura Market, and Shop AIP.
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